As a self-proclaimed cynical optimist, Jake Hoffberg has gained a wealth of knowledge on raising capital through crowdfunding and on writing compelling narratives for capturing investors’ imaginations.
The first half of our discussion largely focuses on crowdfunding. Prior to the JOBS Act, the capital-raising environment for entrepreneurs was, for various reasons, very limited. Jake explains the numerous benefits which arose for founders and investors when crowdfunding portals came into existence. However, just because it is now easier to raise capital, doesn’t mean that everyone should be doing it.
In the second half of our discussion, we dive into Jake’s specialty in the entrepreneurship space; marketing. Jake runs us through his 6-part Deal Story Framework, which highlights all the vital elements that should be included when creating a narrative for your business. We also discuss Jake’s first foray in the entrepreneurship world, some of the biggest mistakes Jake sees founders making, the importance of building up a strong retail shareholder base before you go public, and creating demand when it doesn’t already exist.
Enjoy this episode!
Jake’s career trajectory and his entry into the world of direct response marketing.
What Agora Financial, the company Jake previously worked for, does.
Demographics of the people who Jake was aiming his online marketing at while working for Agora.
Ways that people could raise capital prior to the JOBS Act.
Similarities and differences between crowdfunding portals and broker dealers.
Immense growth that has been experienced in regulation crowdfunding over the past five years.
Examples of why venture capital may not be a good option for an entrepreneur.
The problem with unsophisticated investors, and where their money would be better spent.
Considerations that should always be taken into account before taking on outside capital.
The best time to be raising money; when you don’t need it.
Why the amount of money you raise through a crowdfunding portal is not a measure of success.
Jake’s 6-part Deal Story Framework; his approach to structuring narratives for opportunities.
Point and Figure charting; why this is the only stock trading strategy that makes sense to Jake.
The importance of being in control of your company’s narrative.
Step 1 of Jake’s 6-part Deal Story Framework: Defining the megatrend.
Examples of megatrends in the market.
The magic wand of your business; your method, strategy, and philosophy.
Jake’s 7 Power Laws Framework; purpose, people, partnerships, intellectual properties, brand promises, promotions, profits.
Options for getting cash into your business.
Why you should build up a strong retail customer base before you go public.
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